Thursday, April 2, 2009

"This Is Everyday"

Amidst the chaos of the earlier shooting, I snapped a shot of a woman being detained by the authorities. Her story wasn't clear at the the time, but an officer said they had to detain her because she wouldn't calm down and kept trying to walk into an active crime scene. Her expression of panic, confusion and terror told the story as I saw it happen around me. People were afraid, curious and frustrated.

The woman in the photo came forward the next day, after we used the picture across the front page. She wanted to give us her name and tell us she was actually afraid that her niece had been shot and was trying to get into the park to make sure it wasn't her.

A local store owner, who would not give their name in fear of retaliation from the shooters, leaned over towards me as I took the picture. "This is everyday man. Everyday."

For the follow up story we wrote on Ms. Williams click here.

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